A brand new way of baking. No stress, no mess.
The towels

They are a new type of tea towels that allow you to bake directly on them. They have a spot for each ingredient and the recipe broken down into easy steps.

No need to bring a computer to the kitchen or feel bad about staining a recipe book anymore; you can just lay the towel out on your kitchen work-space, put all the required ingredients directly onto it and follow the steps. Once you're done, just throw it in the wash if you need to, and that's it.

The towels are also just like regular tea towels so you can use them to dry dishes and wipe the table.

The birth of Bake On

It all began with a project I chose while studying Design at university: "redesign a recipe keeping the baker in mind". I picked a Chocolate Cupcake recipe, they were all the rage back then. And cupcakes need frosting, so I worked on that as well. After observing my baking patterns, the idea of using a tea towel came about and I had so much fun working on it I was hooked... and haven't been able to let go of Bake On ever since.

I write and test each recipe myself, then design the towel and send it to be screen printed in the UK.

When a dream comes true

I may have created Bake On but the collection was born thanks to the help of 356 fantastic people through Kickstarter. To learn more about crowdfunding and, more importantly, to see the list of the wonderful backers who pledged to and helped Bake On, please click here.